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Section 42 of the tax procedures code act: Why URA’s blanket request for information is unlawful.

Section 42 of the tax procedures code act: Why URA’s blanket request for information is unlawful.


In the past one month, there has been legally interesting revelations pertaining to the collection and administration of taxes in Uganda. On the 12th March 2018, the President of the Republic of Uganda wrote to the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development drawing his attention to the lack of seriousness of (the) ministry and that of Uganda Revenue Authority in identifying tax sources and collecting more taxes for our country…” He continued that “I am beginning to confirm that there is a total lack of seriousness, at the very least, or collusion, at worst among your tax identifiers and collectors.”

The President’s remarks, were not strange at all, because, the Minister of Finance in his budget speech delivered to the Parliament of Uganda on the 8th June 2017 echoed a similar position.  He said “Madam Speaker, at only 13.8% of GDP on tax revenue, effort is very low and inadequate to finance our development needs,” thereby suggesting an urgent need to improve the collection of taxes.

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